Codes Guarantee - a gift from us to you

We hate it when a voucher code doesn't work. There's nothing worse than getting excited about a great deal only to get to the checkout page, enter the code and... nothing.

We’re confident that all of our online voucher codes will work. If one of our codes doesn't work and you’ve made your purchase anyway, we'll give you a gift card to treat yourself on us, or choose a gift card that allows you to donate to various charities.

At VoucherCodes, our priority is making sure you always get the saving you have been promised. We are super strict about the quality of the offers we let onto our site and proud of it.

All our codes are either exclusively negotiated with our partners for publication on VoucherCodes or are sourced from official channels. We deal with thousands of voucher codes every month so, to avoid the occasional administrative slip up, we go the extra mile and test our top codes daily.

How Does It Work?

  1. Button

    Click the 'Get Code' button to reveal the code then buy something that meets the terms of the offer. Always check the 'Terms and Conditions' link below the code if you aren't sure.

  2. Doesn't work

    If the code doesn't work, forward your online order confirmation or receipt by email to within 24 hours of making your purchase. Within your email, please also include:

    • Your full name and contact details
    • Name of Store
    • Product ordered
    • Order confirmation email
  3. Gift card

    Our user support team will verify your claim within five working days and if eligible will send you a gift card.

    Claims made after 24 hours from the point of purchase will not be accepted.

What's the Catch?

It doesn't matter what the voucher code offer is, as long as it's an online voucher code designed to provide a saving for a purchase made online, we will send you a £20 gift card so you can treat yourself on us with sustainable gift options or even a charity donation if you choose! So the next time you miss out on 20% at your favourite store or free delivery on a gift for a loved one, you will treat yourself on us. Like we said, we hate it when a voucher code doesn't work.

As with any offer, there are terms and conditions for this guarantee, there aren’t many but please make sure you’ve read them before getting in touch with us. These are a few of the most important ones:

1. The offer you’re trying to use must be an online voucher code - i.e. a code you enter into a box on the retailers site at checkout.

2. We can only give you a gift card if the online voucher code is genuinely not working. If we test the code within one working day of you submitting a claim and find it to be working, we won't be able to approve your claim. Of course, we will provide you with a screenshot to show the code working if this is the case. 

3. You have to have placed an order with the retailer the code was for, and this order must meet the terms of the offer (e.g. the products you’ve bought are included in the offer, you’ve met any minimum spend etc). It’s always really important to check the terms and conditions for any voucher code to make sure what you’re buying is included in the offer.

4. You must have a VoucherCodes account and if you could contact us on this email address, that would be very helpful!

5. If you are claiming on an NHS or Student Exclusive Code, you will need to have an NHS or Student verified account with us. It would be very useful if you contact us with this account too!

6. Our Reward Limit is two per offer, and we will only award gift cards for genuine claims. Anyone suspected of breaching the VoucherCodes Terms & Conditions (for example, by creating multiple VoucherCodes accounts), or acting in an unsportsmanlike, deceptive, or disruptive manner will be ineligible for our Code Guarantee. 

Eligible Codes

Our guarantee covers online voucher codes only. You can identify online voucher codes in one of two ways:

  1. Button

    An eligible online voucher code can be identified by the button used to reveal the code which will read: 'Get Code'

  2. Checkout

    An online voucher code is used to make a purchase and saving online. This involves entering the voucher code into a special box at the checkout to redeem the saving.

Example of Online Voucher Code Offer

Non Eligible Offers

The following types of offer are not eligible under our online code guarantee:

  1. In store Vouchers

    Vouchers that are redeemed offline / in-store at the point of purchase. These vouchers typically involve printing off the voucher for redemption at store or restaurant.

    Example of In-Store Voucher
  2. Mobile App Vouchers

    Vouchers that are redeemed via our app to secure the saving. These vouchers can be identified by the button used to access the offer which will read: 'Available on the app'.

    Where a voucher can be redeemed as a code online and via our app, we will guarantee against the voucher when used to complete a purchase online. We will not, however, provide the same guarantee for the same voucher should the redemption be made via our app in-store.

    Example of Mobile App Voucher
  3. Sales

    Discounts which do not require an online code to secure the saving. These can be identified by the 'Get Sale' button.

    Example of Sale Offer
  4. Deals

    Specific discounts which do not require an online code to secure the saving. These can be identified by the 'Get Deal' button.

    Example of Deal Offer
  5. Rewards

    Post-purchase vouchers that are sent to you when your order meets our Reward terms and conditions. These can be identified by the 'Get Reward’ button.

    Example of Reward Offer
  6. VC Exclusive Bonus

    Vouchers that are sent to you when your order meets our VC Exclusive bonus terms and conditions. These can be identified by the "Get Bonus" button.

    Example of VC Exclusive Offer

More Info:

You might also like to read the full terms and conditions of The VoucherCodes Guarantee .

The Reward Limit is set to £1,000 maximum per day.

One claim per person every 3 months. Maximum of 4 claims per year.